Week #5: A Reflection

Through the process of creating a blog, entirely dedicated to Professional Writing and Rhetoric, our group has learned a lot.  Not all of the work we produced was effective, but through peer review and personal revisions we were able to provide our readers with adequate and useful information.

One of the biggest challenges we overcame as a group was to communicate with others about meeting times and the delegation of tasks.  Having an e-mail address that all members had access to, helped us to stay in touch and allowed us a place to post documents so that everyone could obtain them without crowding our own inboxes.  We learned that communication is key when doing any type of group work, especially when each person is working individually on various parts of the project. 

Creating our blog was a tedious process, mainly because we wanted to include all relevant information that our readers might be interested in, but also because we had other commitments to attend to.  After working on our blog for five weeks, it is completed.

If you decide to create something along these lines we encourage you to set a strict timeline for your group.  Working individually on various aspects of our blog helped us to have things finished in an efficient manor, but without deadlines, we would not have completed our blog in five weeks. 

When writing as a professional writer, always keep your audience in mind.  Remember that your tone should be geared towards them and the information you provide should be something your audience will find useful and will be interested in.

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